
Try L9
10 Days for $20

How the Trial Works

  • Step 1: Sign up for $20, receive a 10 day trial
  • Step 2: Attend unlimited classes during your trial at a single location
  • Step 3: Book classes using L9 App. Bookings Essential

Try All Our Classes

Beginner Friendly.
Calisthenics for Fitness

Beginner Friendly.
Calisthenics for Skills

Beginner Friendly.
L9 Stretch

"I started about 4 weeks ago. I was a complete beginner & the whole team at L9 have been nothing but supportive and encouraging. I was a bit nervous and felt like the exercises might be out of my league but the trainers offer regressions to help you work your way up and I’ve improved each week. Excellent culture and all the members have been super lovely & welcoming. Definitely recommend for anyone who’s cali curious."
Estelle McConnell
L9 Fitzroy
"As a high-level trainer and coach, I was looking for something more to enhance my skills, mentality, and strength. When I tried out this place, I was blown away by the incredible coaches. They are humble, talented, and exceptionally skilled. The vibe here is fantastic - It's a wonderful community at L9."
Da "DA"
L9 Prahran
"I am very happy with the L9 program and the gym. The program helps me improve my strength by using my own body weight as resistance. I have seen a lot of progress since I began three weeks ago. The gym is very comfortable and has a friendly atmosphere. I am confident that this is the program and the gym that I will continue with."
Michelle Chiu
L9 Nunawading

Nervous or Questions?

We understand that starting something new can feel intimidating, but we’re here to help! Our community is welcoming and our coaches are experienced in supporting beginners. Here’s how we make sure you feel comfortable:

  • Introduce Yourself: Let your coach know you’re new, and they’ll provide extra guidance.

  • Ask Questions Anytime: Contact us if you have any concerns or want to know more before coming in.

  • Call us for a chat!
    +61 488 880 892

Start Trial

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Terms & Conditions
1. I acknowledge that this offer is only for new members seeking to trial L9 and can only be purchased once per person
2. I acknowledge that L9 reserves the right to invoice me for abuse of the above condition at a rate of $25 per class booked
3. I accept the L9 terms & conditions of entry and general liability waiver
Read Terms & Conditions / Liability Waiver
Price: $20.00
$20 for 10 Days. Try all our classes a single L9 location.